Friday 29 July 2016

A Wish For Blank Cheque!

Recently she did come across an extremely inspirational story.

It is about a businessman who suffers huge loss in his business. One day when he is sitting on a park’s bench, he meets an old man. When that old man asks him why he is looking so upset, businessperson tells him about his financial setback. In no time, this old man takes out his cheque book and writes a blank cheque to him saying that I am (Some big business tycoon) and I offer you this cheque. Once you cover up your loss you pay me back after an year at this same place. Thereafter, that old man disappears.  This unexpected and extremely kind gesture leaves the businessperson speechless. He thinks that if a stranger can put so much faith on him then why he cannot trust his own capabilities. He folds the cheque, keeps it in his pocket, and thereafter leaves.

He begins to work out all possible solutions to recover from financial crunch. Within a span of a year, he manages to rebuild his entire business empire. He reaches to the park to hand over the cheque to that old man. Few days pass but old man does not arrive.

Ultimately, a day comes when he does notice that same old man, sitting on the same park bench. He goes there, expresses his heartfelt gratitude to him, and hands over the cheque to him. Amidst this, he sees that a female nurse arrives there and chides old man. Businessperson asks about the entire matter. Nurse reveals that this old man is no business tycoon but he is mentally challenged. Whoever he comes across, introduces himself as a business tycoon. Nurse takes that old man along with her. Businessman continue to stand there in a state of utmost shock and disbelief. He shudders for a moment while thinking that if this old man would not have had offered him black cheque, how would he be able to transform impossible into possible.

Yesterday while ruminating about many aspects of her life and this story, she began to confront many questions that why she has not able to prove her worth so far? Why she has not been able to be confident in whatever she does? May be because she is yet to find her blank cheque that puts more trust on her capabilities than what she has for herself? 

It is a high time that we need to look beyond materialism.At times,we are unable to comprehend that how an entire life may be changed just through few simple kind words. We are unable to realize that just through a single act of kindness; someone’s life may turn for better. 

She fails to understand that:

What does it take to say to another “I trust You”?

What does it take to convey to another “No matter what, I am there”?

What does it take to spare out few moments from a hustle-bustle life to say “Yes, You can make impossible possible”?

She is truly unable to grasp that what it takes actually! All she knows, the moment she will find her ‘Blank Cheque’, she will be able to prove her worth to the entire world.

She looks up in the sky, heaves a sigh and makes a wish,

 “God, will you soon send me a blank Cheque”!

Thursday 21 July 2016


This blog is an attempt to nurture my feelings, emotions and dreams. Almost entire world seems to battling with a strange phenomenon of ‘Being Practical’. However, I believe that my so-called unpractical approaches and attitudes towards my life, makes me stand out from the crowd. Thus, I came up with an idea to create a ‘Dream Bridge’ by weaving those desired thoughts and characters that already exist in my life and those that I would like to experience in my life. To simplify, ‘Dream Bridge’ is an attempt  to impart new wings to my broken soul through which my soul would find comfort and solace by embarking on a journey from Emptiness to Substance and Love.