Monday 22 August 2016

From Coding To Decoding

I have been trying to decode an intricate question from quite some time that why people take things for granted or better to say why people take love for granted. Today by god’s grace, answer for the same was revealed to me in due course of spontaneous reflection while going through few timeless love stories.

Love is something as old as the history of humankind. On the contrary, technology is relatively a new phenomenon. Now, how these two co-relates each other and how they are concerned with my question. That is how I went to decode the same.

Today I was in a mood to browse through few timeless love stories and then after reading, I found an answer to a long unaddressed question-----“What makes someone to take his/her love for granted”. The answer lies deep within the advent of technology. Yes, it may sound bizarre but that is true. Love is a vast ocean made up of mystery, purity, longing, hope, union, severance, etc. Earlier, in order to experience love, one would require embarking a mysterious journey that was full of co-incidences, one after another, as there was no such real time medium to be in touch.

The depth of love would be enhanced with the absence of your beloved. With the longing, respect for the presence of your soul mate would be inevitable. Now sans elaborating more on the same let see how technology created a dramatic impact on love. Finding a soul mate is just a click away or just one co-incidence away in any form, these days. Thereafter, one need not wait for long to encounter a chance to be in touch with a loved one.

Technology has literally taken a toll on our patience. Older time, love was patient but modern love does not believe in having patience. It is about if things do not work, let us opt out. Where is that longing? Where is that respect of another’s presence? Remember… Law of diminishing marginal utility? When there would be no longing, how can we expect that taken for granted attitude does not creep in? So far I would struggle with this question what makes someone to take his/her beloved to take for granted. Here, revelation comes to me------Technology. I wish if I could belong to a golden era only to find the infinite joy in witnessing that someone has been looking for me from years and has come all the way from far by crossing mountains, rivers, dense forests, risky trails----only to show me a glimpse of depth of love.

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